Friday, June 25, 2010

Ellerslie's Amazing Beginning

Sorry I haven't had anything yet but there is just so much that is going on and trying to catch up and write about the last few weeks is hard. but what I'll do is give you a general update from Eric Ludy himself.

Ellerslie's Amazing Beginning
Three weeks ago I walked up onto the platform of our campus chapel and stood in front of our inaugural Ellerslie student body for the very first time. The beauty and power resident in that holy moment overcame me and for the first three to five minutes all I could do was cry. It was quite a humbling beginning, but those minutes will always be counted among some of my life's most precious. Seventeen years of wrestling prayer has led to this and it would seem that God wanted me to feel every inch of the awe and amazement. Tears streamed down my face all night long. That was how Ellerslie started off. And awe and amazement have been our companions throughout the first three weeks.

Every single person on campus daily (near 65 people) are glowing, and each one stutters in their attempt to articulate what is happening amongst us. It's holy, beautiful, authentic, and an all-out-worship and adoration of our mighty King Jesus. Not many of us are used to seeing the Body of Christ in this light - everyone turned outward, everyone longing to see their brother and sister through, everyone desirous to get smaller and smaller so that Jesus Christ might get bigger and bigger.

Last Wednesday morning (June 16th), God came to Ellerslie in fire. For twelve straight hours sins were confessed before the body and light was allowed in to the darkest corners of the human soul. It was agony and ecstacy. One student after the next stood in line, waiting for the mic, knowing that they had to make things right - student after student declaring that they wanted nothing to stand in the way of what Jesus was desiring to do in this earth. Thirty-three students asked to be baptized in water that day. Many of them were baptized when younger, but there was such a strong impulse within them to make a heavenly declaration of their "death in Jesus Christ" that they wanted to do it once again, and this time, with gusto. The following morning (Thursday), hour upon hour passed with the entirety of the school prostrate, crying out for Jesus to come and have them, weeping for Him break through the husk of their humanity, and yearning for Him to make them into modern-day burning bushes - testimonies of what the fire of God will do in a man or woman. And, oh how our God answered. It has been heaven come to earth. There is a deep love here on campus; for Jesus; for one another; and for those in need of Jesus. And all I can say is, if this is how it is starting, what does God have in store for this work? Truly we serve an awesome God.

With fear and trembling,
Eric Ludy
  • To Listen to Eric's Sunday morning message, enunciating the happenings of this past week - click here

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