Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Body

All things are created with a reason and purpose. the sun has made to light and warm the earth. the air was made to breathe and provide life to all living things. Food was made to provide nourishment. but what was the human body and life made for? we were created for one purpose: to bring God glory. how? we are called to be holy, yielded, instruments of righteousness, givers of praise and worship, and the body of christ here on this earth.
but there is a problem, there is a controlling force in our life called the flesh. the flesh’s agenda is simple, to seek it’s own pleasures and anything that contradicts that is quashed. we are bound in this body of sin, we look around and see the flesh reeking havoc in our lives and realize that we are not fulfilling our designed purpose. “Hey flesh!” we cry, “Look at what you are doing to my life, it’s a mess!” we then timidly suggest. “do you think you could quiet down a little, maybe take a shower, and clean up some of this mess?” “What do you think you’re doing?” the flesh growls, “I’m gonna do whatever I want and you cannot do anything about it, Ha!” we try to get up and reason with flesh to talk some sense into him and teach him some manners, just who does he think he...ungh! what’s going on!? why can’t I stand up? we then realize that the flesh has duct-taped us to a chair in the corner and try as we might we cannot seem get loose. we look around in fearful horror as we watch the flesh continuing on his destructive rampage laughing maniacally the whole time. we begin to see that the damage to our life is much more extensive then we first thought. “Stop!” we cry, as the support of our life starts to give way, “please stop! I’m telling you to stop!” the flesh monetarily pauses and glares at us with a crazy grin smeared across his face, “and if I don’t stop, what are you going to do about it?” he laughs again and turns again to his carnage. with a new realization of the servility and seriousness of our condition, we cry out for help. “Help! I’m tied to a chair I can’t do anything! my life crumbling! I need a rescuer! I need someone to get rid of the flesh! Oh who can save me from this body of sin!”
In an instant, our savior Jesus Christ is at our side and sets us free. the flesh cries out “ hey! you can’t do that! I’m the one in charge here! I have the right to run this life however I want!” then our Intercessor looks the flesh square in the eye and with the voice that shakes the heavens proclaims “I am now the absolute ruler of this life, my Word is truth and law. At my name every creature will bend their knee and confess that I am Lord!” and with that, the Mighty God grabs the flesh and hurls him out. then the Redeemer turns and gently says to us, “I set you free so that you can serve me. If the flesh tries to return, rebuke him in my name and he can’t stay. I must have complete control over every area of your life. the parts of you life the have previously been mishandled and abused, I will repair them and teach you how they were originally designed for, to serve, honor, worship, and glorify me, the Lord of lords, King of kings, and the master of your soul.”

1 comment:

  1. So true! Thanks Ben! Makes me think about all the times I feel like I'm duct-taped to the corner. Praise and honor to our Savior and King! Our Mighty Intercessor who stands firm in the gap and takes the hit for us. May I glorify Him through my life.
