Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reckon: Take God at His Word

      Reckon – is a simple word and concept, but yet so difficult to fully grasp the reality of this term. The idea of reckoning is taking something you know to be true, and, by faith, firmly fixing it as a reality in your daily life. It is looking at the Word of God and seeing the promises and facts about the Christian life, and believing that they are true. The hard part is that we are operating on faith that has never seen what we are reading in Scripture. The Bible tells us “be ye holy,” “Let not sin rein,” and “the old man has past away,” and our faith waivers because we look at our lives and the lives of the Christians around us, and we see men and women that are still in bondage to sin and have no power in their daily lives. As a Christian we must operate on faith and not by sight. I do not care  if every Christian you see is wallowing in defeat and bondage to his flesh, you must choose to believe the Word of God.

      For far too long the modern Christian movement has stripped away our trust and confidence in the truth of Scripture. The modern church has explained away the parts of Scripture that they do not like or that convicts them of the truth that should be ruling their lives. No matter what those around you claim to be true or even what your own experience might have to say on the matter, every word of the Bible is fact regardless of what you or anyone else have to say about it. I believe God and His Word over your piddly experience. 
      So how do we rectify the truth of the Word of God and the seemingly blatant contradiction of our daily lives. We must reckon it as so.  James says, “faith without works is dead, ” but just saying that we believe God’s Word is not enough. Our faith must step forward on the truth that has been set before it. We must take God at His Word and live it out. That does not mean we go around saying we have victory when we are still living under the thumb of sin, instead take the promises of God by faith and refuse to accept any other alternative. When sin tries to rear its ugly head and attempts to control you and reestablish a foothold in your life, you must rise up and proclaim that through the power and authority of Jesus Christ sin has no more claim upon your life!
      So the question before us is: where are the men and women who will take God at his Word? Where are those who are willing to take a stand upon the promises and truths of  Scripture and not be moved? Where are those who will exercise the kingly authority in the name of our risen and mighty Savior and command that sin would not rein in their bodies? Where are the men and women who will live by faith and not by sight? We must be the ones to rise up and say: “my God has spoken, He never lies and He never changes, So all things are under His mighty conquering feet. For at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!”

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