Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Standard of the Perfect Rod

      “Who are you to say that God is God?” it is the Challenge of all time. From the garden of Eden when the serpent questioned God’s authority and truthfulness, to Korah’s rebellion to say that He could led the nation and who was Moses or even God to say other wise? And today it is no different, the world and our flesh continue to challenge God’s divine right to rule our lives. These men have sought to make their own standard instead of abiding by God prescribed pattern in His Word. They either place their own words above God’s, or they seek to change God’s standard to a level that they think is fair or matches their wants. They have created doctrines that allow them to live their lives however they see fit. They have removed the holy standard of God so they will not be convicted by it, or at an extreme they try to deny God’s very existence, because if He does not exist then they cannot be condemned or held accountable for their deeds.
God look down from heaven and says “so, you want to challenge My right to rule do you? Alright, let’s put it to the test.” As in the time of Korah’s rebellion, God tells all who would wish to stake their claim as ruler to take their rod, their symbol of authority and the measure of their design, to lay them out before Him, and whichever one God chooses would be the one with authority. In Korah’s time, God choose Aaron’s rod over all the others. For future generations there was still a test for those who would challenge God’s right to rule. God laid out the all of the standards for the leader of His people, the Messiah, and said if any wish to stake their claim on His rule they had to meet His standard. Through all of time men try to reach that standard, but all fall short, all except one man...
This one man had many requirements to fill to establish His authority to rule. He would have to match every standard and pass every test. He could not fail or deviate in the smallest area from this standard of righteousness. There were many tests that were completely out of his control or influence, but He still had to be perfect. He had to be the Son of God, of the seed of a woman, and yet born of a virgin. He had to be of the liege of Abraham, Isaac, and of the kingly line of David. He must be born in Bethlehem and come out of Egypt. He must be preceded by Elijah, start his work in Galilee, be meek, undesirable of men, without guile, and consumed with zeal for the Lord’s house. He had to be betrayed by a friend at the cost of thirty pieces of silver, numbered with criminals, beaten and bruised. He must die, no bones broken, and His body must be pierced. Not only that, but He must be raised from the dead and ascend to the right hand of the Father. If this man had failed any of these tests or come short of the perfect standard, then He could not have been the Messiah.
  Is there even a man that could measure up to these tests? Not a man, but the very Son of God, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who could be the perfect sacrifice and possess all authority above, on, and under the earth. 

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